Poisoned Data: Defensive Strategies Against Evolving Attacks On AI Training

Poisoned Data - Data manipulations skew AI outputs, sabotaging performance. From image "poisoning" to malicious model triggers, poisoning attacks are advancing. Data teams must fight back with proactive filtering, breach defenses, attack simulations, and more.

Image of poisoned data affecting data for AI model
Image generated by DALL.E

I have been seeing the term 'poisoned data' coming up more frequently in my feed over the past few weeks. Here's what I found on the topic.

Data and AI professionals are facing a seemingly alarming reality - artificial intelligence is highly vulnerable to "poisoned data" attacks designed to degrade performance and sow distrust in AI training dataset. Recent reports underscore the expanding scope of threats.

In an insightful MIT Technology Review piece, Melissa Heikkilä reveals the new tools that let artists "poison" their work to sabotage AI image models that inappropriately train on copyrighted material. The team behind the Nightshade program hopes it will deter unethical data collection practices.

A VentureBeat post by Zac Amos further reveals how amazingly easy it is for attackers to corrupt training datasets. Injecting a mere 0.01% of "poisoned" samples can significantly skew AI outputs like spam detection and "a mere 3% dataset poisoning can increase an ML model’s spam detection error rates from 3% to 24%".

Types of data poisoning attacks

As Audra Simons details in this Forcepoint blog post, data poisoning takes several troubling forms:

  • Availability attacks attempt to corrupt the entire model through techniques like mislabeling samples, causing false positives and plummeting accuracy.
  • Backdoor attacks insert hidden triggers that maliciously alter outputs for specific data inputs.
  • Targeted attacks impact small sample subsets while global accuracy appears intact, making them harder to detect.
  • Subpopulation attacks influence multiple related data groups within the training set.

Consequences of data poisoning

The article also highlights how adversarial knowledge enables more sophisticated poisoning. Black-box attacks have no model insights, while white-box infiltrators assume complete details for precision manipulation.

When adversaries have no knowledge of the model, it's known as a "black-box attack." These are less effective since the attacker is operating blindly without insights into the training data or model parameters.
When attackers have full knowledge of the training data and model configuration details, it's called a "white-box attack." With complete information, white-box infiltrators can craft highly targeted poisoned inputs to precisely manipulate the AI outputs in intended ways.

White-box attacks tend to be the most successful and damaging since they can be precisely tailored to exploit known weaknesses or blind-spots in a model.

The consequences of these evolving data poisoning methods are severe. AI-powered business operations across functions become unreliable. User trust in products and services powered by machine intelligence catastrophically erodes.

Defensive strategies against data poisoning

Fortunately, data / ML engineers can employ several defensive techniques proactively:

Audra suggests steps like rigorous data verification, strict access controls, and continuous performance monitoring. Additionally, developing expertise through hands-on adversarial learning in sandboxed environments will help teams stay ahead of evolving poisoning methods.

Some additional key defensive priorities may include:

  • Statistical filtering to detect and remove poisoned training samples
  • Tight access and transfer restrictions to secure data pipelines
  • Anomaly detection and instant intervention protocols
  • Safe simulation of attacks for threat anticipation and modeling

Above all, an enterprise-wide commitment to data and AI integrity, security awareness, and executive accountability will be paramount for maintaining trustworthy, ethical and high-performing models.

Have you come across poisoned data in your dataset? How did you deal with it? Please share your experience and insights in the comment section below.

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